この度、横浜市栄区笠間の英会話スクール、3R Englishの生徒さんが新たに英検に合格しました。
3R English
We are delighted to announce that we have had another successful EIKEN result at our school here in Ofuna, Yokohama.
In our Upper Intermediate class, after already having passed EIKEN grade 3 and Pre- 2, this student has now mastered the difficult EIKEN 2 exam. This is a remarkable achievement and not easy to do.
As our Callan English lessons focus on intensive listening and speaking work, plus essential grammar and vocabulary, our students have a noticeable advantage when it comes to exams.
The skills taught by us will benefit you greatly when taking an EIKEN or an entrance exam for High School or University; as is shown in our repeated successes over the years.
In the meantime, ‘Congratulations’ to another 3R English Callan learner and we wish you further success in your High School next year.
Richard & Miyako
3R English
Ofuna, Yokohama, Kamakura